网易红彩专家KD Shark自我介绍(英中双语)

网易红彩专家KD Shark自我介绍(英中双语)


Hello, I'm KD Shark.

I'm 32 year old and my history is like many people one's, born in Portugal but moved to Germany with 5 years and spend my childhood their, I can say it was the best time of my life, it was a nice country to grew up and if a look back in time I can say that the things that I learned in their culture is very valuable in my life and also in this betting world because Germany is a very organized country in everything that they do and Portugal is the inverse of the story. However, I'm very proud to be Portuguese and I love my country and for people who have a decent income this is a very solid and great country to live.

I can divide my betting history in two parts, it all started in 2008 who I started to bet money on sports games that I followed almost all my lifetime, but since I had a work it was a part time scenario to win some extra cash and nothing more but then because of some life changing scenarios in my work in 2012 I decided to make this a full time scenario and I saw some improvements in my results because I had more time to watch games and also to research better about team news, players news or other important stuff that I consider who can influence the outcome of the game.

During all this years of betting I made some changes in my betting style, like everything in life I learn something new every year and you try to find the best way for yourself to be successful, in my case my method's are pretty simple, I watch a lot of games in the sports that I bet, I spend a lot of hours a day watching games and the reason is simple, because stats don't tell you everything that happen in the game, even I also look at stats but it's practically doesn't influence my decision on a bet, but because I see a lots of games I can see it for myself and have my own opinion what really happen during the game, the mistakes, the errors, who was the better team on the field and other little important things who can gives us the edge to be successful.

So I watch a lots of games and I also during all these years have moved well on how to search for team news, injuries news and other important stuff who can be important for the game, like for example, Twitter was a huge source of important information for US Sports teams, you have ton's of journalist who follow the team everywhere and share their opinion on twitter and you can see some important news from them about the game, like weather conditions, team spirit, important players injuries and some late informations about players probable missing the game or so, every information can make the difference of a good bet or a bad bet.

For my stake plan in betting is kinda simple, I use flat stake, that means that every bet that I will give it has the same stake, the reason for that it's because this is the method who works with the best, when I started I had other plan of betting but then during all those years I analyze my betting sheet and saw that flat stake was the way to go for me, because sometimes I read the game really well, the team dominates the game and in the end the other team managed to win that game even they got dominated in the game, so flat stake in my opinion protect's us from some of those stretches in betting, because overall, if you make your work right in the end of a year you will have profit to show.

About the journey of betting, sometimes we can have bad luck or luck in or side in one game or so, it happens of course, sometimes the team dominates the game and losses and vice-versa, however, in long term luck has nothing to do with your work, that why in my opinion I don't see my betting results has a month to month thing, but a year to year thing, for me the only result that matter is the profit that I will have in the end of 365 days and then it starts all over again, because I never chase profit in betting, my goal is always to end with the most profit I can in the end of the year.

That's all,

KD Shark


专家KD Shark,葡萄牙人,职业从事体育彩票。



百闻不如一见,看球队比赛是KD Shark的一个特点。因为数据不会告诉你所有信息,而看比赛能够知道场上发生的真实信息。所以KD Shark一天绝大部分时间都花在看球赛上,对于球队的真实实力有自己的衡量标准。

KD Shark精通德甲、葡超和大部分欧洲联赛。希望通过网易红彩平台,同中国彩民分享自己的竞彩理念和盈利技巧。


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